Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Life in General

We are halfway through our second month here and we are still settling into our house, but thankfully we are about 90% of the way there so it is not a major distraction anymore. We never thought much about how great it is to have a Lowe's Hardware up the street from your house, but we now know the luxury that those stores truly are. Although the great thing about having to take many trips to many different stores in order to set up house is allowing us to know the city better and meet local store owners that are in need of a Savior.

The last few weeks have been very busy and also presented some hardships and struggles. We finished up our first month of language learning and feel like we can manage to pick up words in conversation, but we are far away from conversing fully, although Andrea is ahead of the game. The language teacher that we had for the first month was a tremendous blessing, but he has had to return to his teaching duties in the north. That leaves us with a search for a language tudor that will hopefully be provided sooner than later.

Matthew had the opportunity to preach at a local church this past Sunday, which he does not plan on doing much, but took the opportunity as a way to both challenge and partner with this local body in what we are doing. His message was well received and will hopefully open up some opportunities.

He was also involved in a two day training in a village about thirty minutes away that had thirty plus potential planters. We have been told that typically with a group of that size to be happy if one person catches the vision and the mission so we are praying for at least one, but would love to see three planters from that group. 

Andrea continues to stay busy setting up house, taking care of Elliot, and building relationships with neighbors. She has also continued her involvement in the red light district and we pray that further opportunities to minister there will open up. 

As we mentioned earlier the last few weeks have not always been easy as we both have felt the struggle of loneliness in different ways. In addition we can sense the enemy trying to use some circumstances to get us distracted from the mission of why we are here and to make us feel less valuable to the work in this part of the world. We are declaring that we will not buy into this lie, but it has presented its struggles. In a strange way though it has helped us realize that we are at a resting place in the arms of God. In our loneliness and spiritual attacks we have been able to show our true dependence on Christ.

Here are some current needs to intercede on our behalf:
  • New language helper
  • Full dependence on Christ in the midst of loneliness
  • Travel 2 out of the next 4 weeks
  • Consistent time with the Father as individuals, a couple, and a family.
Now what you have all been waiting for: PICTURES!