Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all of your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Well as mentioned last month there were some transitions on the way for our family that have turned into "April Madness" with all of the travelling Matt has transitioned into. We knew coming here that his role would involve a lot of travel, but instead of slowly transitioning into it as we thought he jumped in head first!
These trips have been some great opportunities for him to get to know our teammates better and to both observe and be involved with some training/equipping of national believers here to be sent out to plant. Matt took two trips in a row that led to him being away from home a total of eight nights. In these trips he has been able to see much of the eastern part of the country and also get a better idea of his role here.
We are so very thankful that in the last month God has provided some new teammates for us that have been in country for two years, but just transferred to our team. The husbands name is also Matt so we are now joking that they are "Team Matt." They are a very sweet family and we look forward to working together to advance the Kingdom here.
Most of you are aware that we had a brief medical scare with Andrea upon Matt's return from his trip last week. Local doctors would simply guess at what was going on and were contradicting each other in their diagnosis. This led to our on field medical coordinator suggesting that we leave immediately for our capitol city to get everything checked out.
So with a one day turn around we left on flight to get everything checked out. Thankfully with no appointment available Andrea was able to get into the doctor the afternoon we arrived. The doctor diagnosed two benign tumors that were slowly becoming active, which he expressed it was good that we came in. The same afternoon the tumors were able to be removed with a fast procedure using laser technology. We praise God for this report and for the finances to travel to the capitol city as our city does not have the proper technology to either diagnos or remove the tumors.
They say that there is "No rest for the Weary," and we are starting to believe it. We returned from our medical trip only for Matt to turn around and take a day trip to our focus area to network with some pastors. Overall a good trip with some promising partnerships.
Upon returning home from this trip we received another praise! Of our team made up of three families, only one family has a vehicle. We found out yesterday that a used vehicle with no AC has become available for us and the other family to share. We had been praying about a better means of transportation to become available as this will help cut down transportation cost and assist in Matt's travels to our bordering state.
Once again Matt is leaving on an overnight train trip to a large city twelve hours south of us to pick up a Maruti Suzuki Omni E Van. We will post a picture of a similar vehicle from google images, but we are not sure of the actual condition of the one we will be driving.
Here are a few needs:
- Continued adjustment to travelling so often.
- National Partners for Matt to invest in.
- Andrea and Elliot as they are at home.
- For Andrea to be able to narrow her scope of ministry in our city.