Family, friends, and partners in ministry, the past month has proven to be one of the busiest this year, but it just shows that God is continuing to work here amongst His people. March was filled with planning for three trainings, one being a large conference with over 600 people. At the end of the month we were able to celebrate Maundy Thursday as a family where we shared the Lord's table together. On Good Friday we attended a house church where we again reflected on the death of Christ in our place, and on Easter Sunday we celebrated the resurrection of Christ with some of our close friends in our city.

Matt finished up two trainings at the end of March and although they did not go as planned, God did some great things by providing some new men to invest in and some testimony of a handful of people that went under the water this month. Although we always celebrate individuals going from death to life, there is much more to be done. At the start of April Matt along with our team leader and a few others led a conference for the language group Matt is focusing on. This conference was most likely the first time that this many believers from this language group met together. The mission of the conference is to see at least one church planted in every village that speaks this language. Thank you to those of you who have given special gift money to help make an event like this possible and please join us in praying that this mission will be fulfilled.
Andrea is getting into the last stage of pregnancy so she is spending much more time at home, although she weekly meets with other ladies she has formed relationships with over the last year. Please continue to pray for Andrea as she gets closer to her delivery date and as we have an active two year old who does not understand why mommy cannot do everything for him that she did a few months ago. In two weeks we will travel to the BIG city to wait for baby #2 to arrive and to get all the necessary paper work done at the embassy.

During the next two weeks we are preparing to welcome a team from our sending church, the Summit. This will be a small team that will assist our work here and travel with us to the Big City. We are thankful for groups like this that come to serve us and serve alongside of us. If any of you are ever interest in coming out to work with us or lead a team from your church, please send us a personal message an we can make this happen.
We are also excited that sometime in May Andrea's best friend Gloria is going to join our team for six months. She will serve us in many ways as we embrace the transitions of our family growing and we already have many ministry opportunities lined up for her in our city. Thank you to those who have assisted her in getting here and if any of you would like to help her during her time here let us know.
In the coming weeks please remember us in the following ways:
- Arrival of baby #2
- Many transitions
- Obedience of the believers from our focus group
- Arrival of six month volunteer Gloria
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